Negotiations (Victoria Husted Medvec)
The purpose of this course is to understand the theory and processes of negotiation as it is practiced in a variety of settings. This course is designed to complement the technical and diagnostic skills learned in other courses at Kellogg. A basic premise of the course is that while a leader needs analytical skills to develop optimal solutions to problems, negotiation skills are needed in order for these solutions to be accepted and implemented. In addition, leaders need to negotiate with customers, suppliers, potential funders, business partners, and many others. Negotiation is a key leadership skill. Through this course, you will have the opportunity to evaluate your existing approach to negotiations, learn new strategies, and learn how to apply these strategies to the wide variety of negotiations you will encounter while at Kellogg and across your career.
Customer Analytics and AI (Florian Zettelmeyer)
Customer Analytics and AI addresses how to use data analytics to learn about and market to individual customers. Marketing is evolving from an art to a science. Many firms have extensive information about consumers’ choices and how they react to marketing campaigns, but few firms have the expertise to intelligently act on such information. In this course, students will learn the scientific approach to marketing with hands-on use of technologies such as databases, analytics and computing systems to collect, analyze, and act on customer information. This is the key part of learning how to take advantage of Big Data. While students will employ quantitative methods in the course, the goal is not to produce experts in statistics; rather, students will gain the competency to interact with and manage a marketing analytics team.
Selling Yourself and Your Ideas (Craig Wortmann)
It’s been said that humans are “meaning making machines.” More than 70,000 years ago, near the outset of the Cognitive Revolution, we created language to help protect and organize ourselves.1 Over the ensuing millennia, we have developed myriad ways to communicate with each other. Present day, our communications take many forms, and so we find ourselves in conversations, meetings, presentations, and even as content creators and producers. As business leaders, we move through these many forms of communications in the course of a week, and indeed we can even traverse each of them within one day. In order to be dynamic, high‐performing communicators, we must do three things: 1. Be cognizant of what high performance looks like in each of these distinct modes of communication; 2. Develop a situational awareness for how to succeed in each form; and 3. Become agile in calibrating our approach. Selling Yourself & Your Ideas is a course that will force you out of your comfort zone to help you develop the knowledge, skill and discipline you need to be a powerful and influential communicator, no matter the situation in which you find yourself.
Personal Leadership Insights (Paul Corona, Robert Langewisch)
This course is a unique opportunity for students who are highly motivated and committed to their personal development and growth as a leader and who value the chance to do this work in a group setting. The Kellogg faculty leader serves as coach and facilitator to guide students through a process that explores who they are (strengths, needs, values), reveals how others experience them (feedback), examines who they want to be (vision/purpose) and identifies actions for moving forward (development planning). Individual reflective exercises will be further explored and shared in small group meetings, full class discussion, and individual coaching appointments with the faculty.
Launching & Leading Startups (Cast)
Launching and Leading Startups (KIEI-470) is a broad survey course for innovative, entrepreneurially-minded students. It examines six of the biggest and most challenging topics that entrepreneurial CEOs must address and implement for their startups to succeed, from mitigating risk to determining effective go-to-market strategies to learning how to effectively manage the board and investors. Ultimately, the intent of this course is to give you an idea of what it’s like to be in the hot seat as an entrepreneurial CEO. The goal is to help you understand some of the critical challenges that come with the position and how to think through them. Who should take this course: This course was designed for students who either: 1) want to be entrepreneurs, now or in the future; 2) are keenly interested in a career path in business innovation, whether it’s working inside a new venture or innovating inside a larger firm (i.e. “intrapreneurs”); 3) are curious about a career in entrepreneurship and innovation and want to better understand what it entails and explore if it fits well with their inherent personality traits and talents.
○ Public Economics for Federal Policy (Besanko)
○ Managerial Leadership (Kraemer)
○ International Finance (Rebelo)
○ Global Entrepreneurial Finance (Liberti)
○ Leader as Coach (Booth, Murphy)
○ Capital Markets (Braun)
○ Marketing Strategy (Calkins, Hennessy)
○ Strategy & Organizations (Matousek)
○ Healthcare Strategy (Garthwaite)
○ Rookie GM (White)
○ Beyond DIversity (Pearce)